Everything is Perfect

Perfect Orchestration
If you could only understand that everything is perfectly orchestrated, your life would feel so much freer, easier, and less serious.
The idea that you must police yourselves, change yourselves, prevent outcomes, oppose others, and control things in order to be safe has sucked the joy out of your lives.
Embracing Oneness
If you were to truly understand oneness, there would be no one to police, no one to change, no one to prevent, no one to oppose, and no one to control. There’s just you. You are the determining factor in all that comes to you in your life. We can only assume that you have drawn these conclusions because you have lost your connection to oneness and are perceiving yourselves as separate.
The Experience of Fear
When you perceive yourselves as separate, you experience fear in all its expressions. It is a strong signal from the Divine part of you that you have left the vicinity where it can reach you.
The Role of Energy Centers
Separation is the perception formed by using the three lower energy centers. Now, some of you will cling to the word "lower," but please do not do that. Energy centers allow you to perceive higher levels of consciousness, which hold truth and awareness that otherwise cannot be attained. There is a certain amount of living and experiencing that needs to occur before you are able to transcend those three lower chakras.
This planet Earth is a dense environment, and when you enter, the smoothest way to transition is to come into it vibrating at the same rate. This explains why most are in the three lower energy centers. Through experiencing life, you will gradually form preferred ways to feel. Many of you signal the universe through suffering or a feeling not preferred. The universe feels you in that suffering and begins to create opportunities that feel better than the ones you have emitted to it. As you continue to stay in suffering, you remain in the three lower energy centers, and the universal part of you cannot match you in that level of consciousness.
Rise in Consciousness
A rise in consciousness is a natural evolutionary process that every human will attain. In this sense, be compassionate and understanding of your human comrades as they feel their way through their lives. This rise in consciousness is individual, however, influenced by the whole. If you focus on the evolution of yourselves and leave others to themselves, you will assist them in their struggles.

Seeking Love
You gain access to the upper chakras, or higher levels of consciousness, by becoming a seeker of love. There are many meanings that match love: admiration, gratitude, kindness, compassion, and reverence, to name a few. As you begin moving in the direction of these emotions, you are headed toward mastery or the ability to bring into form what you prefer rather than unconsciously creating negatively in lower levels of consciousness, which are unconscious emotions.
Awakening and Surrender
Awakening is the allowing of light energy into your field that accelerates your vibration and begins opening the upper energy centers to access higher energy emotions. Awareness and self-observation are the keys to unlocking these chakras. When you invite your Divine aspect through your observation, you become awakened. Through this observation of yourself, an opportunity for flow becomes available. If you are unconscious, you cannot connect to flow. Waking up requires you to see where you are holding at a lower tone emotion that is not a match to love or flow.
The theory behind surrender is that you cannot change what was already felt. It’s done. Therefore, the only option you have is to come to terms with what you felt through allowing it. Any opposition, condemning, or judging will only magnify what is held. “I felt something, and it was valid, and I know the universe received me in love of what I felt; therefore, I have no need to change it. I only need to surrender to it.”
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