Have you ever listened to two people harmonizing together as they sing? It feels like music to your ears, like alignment, like ease, doesn’t it? Now, have you ever heard two people who were not in harmony? It makes you want to cringe, doesn’t it? It seems so obvious, yet somehow they cannot hear it themselves and continue singing out of tune. It’s one of the most distressing things—to hear someone out of harmony and see that they can’t recognize it.
At some point, you need to record yourself and hear how you sound. To improve your performance, you must observe what you are offering. Once you listen back to how you sound, you can start to adjust your tone and harmonize with the universe.
Simply recognizing that you are out of tune can help you harmonize. The universe has one tone, and that tone is a match to all the things you prefer in your life. If you are holding a tone of what you do not prefer, there’s no chance of matching what stands waiting for you in the Divine.
Ask Athena A Question

There are two realities that exist, both brought into form the same way—by focusing upon them. One is the third-density level of consciousness, which is limited, beating you up, and sustaining itself off of your lowered vibratory emotions. The other is a higher level of consciousness, which is unlimited, expanding, and sustaining itself off of higher vibratory emotions.
Which level of consciousness are you sustaining? You are the sustainer of all that comes to you in your experience. Once a reality is in form, it sustains itself by projecting a picture that cannot be denied. But before that reality came into form, you sustained it for quite some time.
Have you ever planted grass and watched it grow? Did you tend to it by keeping it damp and believing it would grow, or did you doubt it would ever grow and never bothered to sprinkle it? When have you ever planted anything that grew without caring for it? You must care for what you want to grow. That care holds an expectation of a beautiful green lawn. That care tends to it, and it’s that intention that brings the results you want to see. When the first few sprouts of grass begin to break from the seeds, they are fragile and cannot be walked on. It is during this delicate sprouting time that you must be the most diligent and attentive to your lawn. You may even have a few dead spots that need your attention and reseeding.
When something occurs in your life that is not preferred, reseed it and take care of it. Notice that it isn’t matching the rest of your yard and add soil, water, and seed. This spot needs more care, more time, and more love. Why didn’t this spot take? What made it die out? Most likely, it was overtaken by weeds that sucked up all the nutrients and left nothing in the soil to support the new seeds. Negativity is like the weeds that deplete the soil, and love is the fertilizer that rebuilds it.
The problem is that humans often curse the dead spots in their lives instead of adding love where it is needed most. There’s simply no way to fill in a dead spot with poison. In order to grow the life you want, you must be that vital, fertile soil. The soil that your life has been grown in by the Divine is the soil of love.
Look at the spots in your life that have not grown, and fertilize them with love. Observe them with compassion, understanding, and reverence. Appreciate what has been created by those spots so that you may receive the beautiful green grass you are longing to walk on. There’s nothing you have ever gone through that has not added to your soil. There is nothing that was not needed or done wrong. It is only your perception that determines whether the grass thrives or not. Go out and perceive yourselves as growing, learning, and filling in, and become so deeply rooted in your belief in yourselves that you choke out anything else that tries to enter your experience.
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