4 min read

Here’s to Your Health

It is a tradition in your world to raise your glasses and have a toast to your health. The phrase “Here’s to Your Health” is a good one. What that phrase represents is may you receive what you believe.

The topic of health is one of variation and complexity because the factors that play into health are determined by a multitude of factors such as beliefs, stress, and lineage. The good news is that if you honor yourself, you can uncover those factors that apply to you.

The love of something is often one of those factors that gets overlooked. One must remember that the universe returns to you in all areas of your life a feeling that matches what you are sending out. The ability your body has to run things through it and not hang onto them is one that you all have. It is much the same as your emotions. They are made to be felt and released in order for you to receive a preferred feeling. Your food is similar in that it is made to be experienced and released. Here is where it begins to become complex: if you have areas of life that are stressful, out of control, or, for a better term, not being felt and released, you will have to be more mindful of what you ingest. Certainly, if you are under great upset, you probably experience indigestion or other related issues. If you were to take a group of humans all the same age, all eating a variety of ways, there would not be a definitive conclusion. However, if you began to isolate happiness, stress, and exercise, it would reveal something definitive. Notice that we left diet out of the equation, and we did so intentionally so that you could see the factors that are more influential than your diet.

One of the most important elements of good health is your determination of it. Once that determination is made, it is imperative you follow what you believe. Many of you who have read studies and done research aren’t going to like it that we are committed to you being accountable for everything in your life, and that includes your good or bad health. That being said, honor yourself in what you have drawn as a conclusion as to what you need to do to be healthy. If you have pushed yourself hard and turn to a drink or a cookie for relief, then love it. In the love of what is chosen, a flow of energy comes through you that transmutes anything that is not loved.

What about the studies and even channels who have written about special diets and the importance of detoxification? There is no greater detoxification than love. Now, many of you will oppose this theory, and that is your right. We are not here to determine right or wrongness in anything you choose. We are here, however, to teach you that you are choosing, whether you’ve forgotten that or not.

Why is it so difficult to accept that my life has caused me to become destabilized; therefore, I need to choose something that returns me to a feeling of being stabilized? There are simply those of you who desperately want to eat and drink in what you feel is healthy, but your willpower will not allow you to. So you adopt another’s will in what they believe to use as a tool for you to believe. There is no problem in doing this because as you believe in anything, it becomes so for you.

We have said before in many recordings, whatever is chosen is true for you. Our main objective in coming here as messengers is to teach you that you have free will. Your free will to choose will not hurt you provided you align to what is chosen. If you do not align to what’s chosen, there will be a feeling that is opposite of the result that you are trying to achieve that gets returned on instead of what is preferred. In other words, if you’re protecting health, you’re not naturally healthy. But if you choose things you believe are good for you and love them as you choose them, you create the desired result.

There’s no need to oppose anyone or anything. You are here to choose and feel how you feel in your choices. If you choose a special way of eating, just love what you’ve chosen. Don’t move to convincing others of right and wrong or good and bad because each human is determining that for themselves. Once again, we are not saying that a certain chosen diet may or may not work for you. We are saying if you’ve chosen it, there’s a reason, and let it be a personal one. Those that are contained in the studies you are reading about are suffering equally to you. The balance achieved in what they chose may very well apply to you. You are the one who determines that.

The mistakes that are made in health choices are in any determination that they apply across the board to everyone. If something applies to you in the way you feel and believe, then choose it. But be mindful of determining that others who have not chosen it will suffer what you have suffered.

There just isn’t anywhere in life where sovereignty doesn’t exist, and that includes the creation of health and wellness. In summary, choose the best-feeling path that makes you personally feel aligned. Never forfeit your ability to create by a fear-based belief. Always say to yourself, “I am choosing this, and I love how I feel in what I have chosen.” Those of you who have difficulty in following what you are internally guided towards may very well need to adopt another’s method in order to feel good. This isn’t a problem. Just know you’re the power behind everything, and that includes your health.
