There is Nothing Not to Love
Many of you have attached to the ideals that you hold as what makes you lovable. If something occurs in your experience that challenges or disagrees with your ideals, there is a great disturbance within you.
You are the perceiver of yourself; you are the one who places the value you hold on the value another holds towards you.
You are not the human, and you are certainly not determined worthy by some standard the human experience has set. You are the Divine, and you are the standard the Divine has set, which is an extension of love.
When you find yourself in a state of not love—when you find yourself hurt, angry, lost, confused, or any other feeling you are attaching to—take a breath and let go. Love yourself in what is felt. Quit trying to make sense of it, quit trying to evaluate your worthiness based on what is happening. What’s happening isn’t the issue; the issue is your perception of it.
You may be a bad parent, you may be a cheating spouse, you may be a great parent, you may be a loving spouse, but in both of these things you are received in love. You are the ones who receive yourselves in not love. You would be instantly transformed by love if you could love yourselves unconditionally.
You were not expected to be a contrived being that was perfect. You were expected to embrace contrast through surrendering to it.

Everyone makes mistakes, but the mistakes they experience carry a varying degree of pain based on what each has perceived as lovable. An investment in the character that you are is something that comes from your life experience. How invested are you in being successful, in being a perfect mother, in being a Good Samaritan?
If you are holding perceptions of what is lovable, you will be thrown into situations that test that principle. Your character will be tested, and your own judgments of yourself will be revealed.
Allow yourselves to miss the bar that you have set for yourselves. Allow yourself to be human in your experience without deciding you must defend a mistake you may have made. Life will be full of twists and turns, and there will be times when you feel lost. But as you keep driving, eventually you find a place that you never planned on going. You just have to trust, and you will realize that you were just reacting to a reflection that you decided looked like you. This mirrored experience that you are participating in is showing you what you have attached to. Rather than creating unknowingly by feeling disconnected, choose connection by being aware.
I am love, I can’t do it wrong, everything is making me more, this reality is real based on a decision to agree with what is felt. What are you agreeing to in the way you are feeling?
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