Understanding Certainty
You need to be as certain about what you desire in your life as you are about what is presently in it.
Fixed reality is your fixed certainty on what you perceive and believe. To transform your fixed reality to your imagined reality, you must obtain the same certainty that it already exists.
How can you possibly achieve this kind of certainty? You must accept that your fixed reality is supported by your certainty. You must realize that you are a creator and that you are fixing your own reality.
Certainty comes with evidence, facts, and supportive data. All these things are proven to be reality in the form-based world you are a part of. What is it that you’ve experienced in life that has caused you to feel certain? Have you witnessed your parents working hard and being frugal and become certain this is necessary for success? Do you believe that studies and doctors make you feel certain you are healthy? Certainty is yours; it is applicable and has the ability to change your present life. What have you witnessed that you’ve adopted as a way to feel certain?
In your reality, you will witness things that will challenge your certainty. The masses will always be a part of your experience and are difficult to ignore. Ignoring doesn’t create certainty; it stimulates the emotions you hold that are preventing certainty. As you hold an emotive state or a feeling of lack or victimization and you don’t like the emotion you are feeling, often you turn to ignoring it. You are forever trying to become certain, and the universe is forever showing you where you are not certain.
Certainty can be achieved by observing your life and embracing what isn’t wanted. Why? Because as you do this, you will recognize your emotive value does, in fact, match your life. Now you recognize you actually do have the ability to become certain and produce a result that includes the data, facts, and evidence that you need to support it.
If you were truly certain, you would connect to exactly what you desire in your life. And if you were uncertain, you would connect to exactly the feelings that are preventing that life.
Let’s look at the true feelings you have about your present life. Without that data, you cannot move from where you are. Are you dissatisfied, lonely, frustrated, irritated, and confused? Would you say your life reflects those emotions or enhances those feelings? We know the answer is yes.
The way to changing form is to use what you have presently within your belief system to assist you in believing. If you believe in hard work, work hard; if you believe in study, study; if you believe in practice, practice, and so on. The difference is now you are consciously using what is already within you to create a reality that you are able to be certain of. Now, as your reality follows your belief and you begin seeing change, you may adjust the belief to one of knowing how that was achieved. “I realize I believed in hard work, and it worked.” “I recognize I believed in practice, and it worked.” “I realize that I can replace any belief and obtain the same result because I have used what I had, and it worked.” Now you are in a position to create from choice rather than from an unconscious fear state.
By incrementally proving to yourself from where you are, you can get to where you want to be. Certainty is built upon life experience, and you must create the experience of ease and prove it to yourself before you can create by flow.
Flow comes through respecting what is felt that is caused by the lives you have lived. Look at everything that is felt as communication between you, the human, and you, the Divine.
In order to make a connection to flow coming from the Divine, you must surrender to where you are and know that you have become the preferred result.
“I feel dissatisfied right now; I know what I prefer.” “I feel that I am not where I want to be; I know what I prefer.” “I feel that I don’t have the life I want to have; I know the life I wish to have.” By becoming aware of the preferred state of being and appreciating what has created it, you can create the avenue for flow and become certain as you gain access to it.
— Athena
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