How Do Past Lives and Lineages Affect Us?
It’s important to understand that you are a never-ending continuum. All the emotional data—signals sent to the Divine through your experiences—remains within your energy centers, carried from life to life and through your lineage.
Our intention is to help you awaken and release these held energies so you can create a life aligned with your Source, filled with happiness and joy.

The Influence of Emotional Patterns
Many of you unconsciously create suffering by compartmentalizing how you feel. For example, you may think your emotions affect some areas of your life but not others, such as your health.
To break free of this cycle, you must surrender to everything in your experience as your creation. Observe where you resist—this awareness allows the Divine to step in and assist you.
It’s not easy to look at the world around you and not believe in its apparent permanence. Yet, we ask you to simply observe what is in form and how you feel about it. This simple practice can create profound and radical changes in your experience.
Lineages and Accumulated Energies
When energy is not released, it accumulates, either in your lineage or from past lives. This accumulation makes it increasingly difficult to believe that change is possible. These unresolved emotions create mirrored experiences, repeating patterns that feel unchangeable.
To break this cycle, you must face yourself fearlessly, surrender to your power, and allow your Source to enter. In doing so, you give yourself permission to release these trapped energies.
The Role of Past Lives
Past lives undeniably affect perception. However, seeking information about your past lives often serves to justify your current feelings or ways of being. Instead, focus on the present:
- If you feel anything that isn’t love, you are experiencing trapped emotions from a past life or your lineage.
- These emotions are the root of your current challenges and will continue to create similar experiences unless released.
Rather than seeking confirmation for why you feel a certain way, surrender to the feeling itself. Allow the energy to be released without attaching blame or justification.
Returning to Your True Nature
Your true nature is pure, powerful, and loving. When you can surrender to and release anything that does not align with this truth, you will embody your divine essence—a god expressing in form.
Nothing in your experience is random. No one is a victim. Everyone has the potential to live a satisfying life. But to access this reality, you must believe it is possible.
If you find it hard to believe, simply observe how your experiences have made you feel. This act of self-awareness creates a bridge to a higher reality, one that is already waiting to flow through you.
It Is Already Yours
Everything you desire is here, waiting, and available to you. By awakening to your feelings, surrendering to them, and allowing the Divine to guide you, you align yourself with the abundant life that is your birthright.

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